
Xelagot action script

Zipping and Unzipping

Requires xelagot 3.607

Xelagot 3.4 introduced unzipping files using an external plugin: Andras' Zipdll.dll. As from xelagot 3.607, zipping and unzipping the AW-way (one file per zip) is done without this plugin. These operations are blocking ones (they are not threaded and have no events).

IfAWZipper statement1
Else statement2
xelagot 3.4 to 3.606
Tests if Andras' plugin zipdll.dll is available and loaded. It should be in the plugins folder before the bot application is started.

xelagot 3.607
As from this version, this statement always returns true, as Andras' plugin is not needed any more.
IfAWUnzip $zip $dest $pass statement1
Else statement2
xelagot 3.4
Attempts to unzip file $zip the AW-way. All three variables must be included, password $pass can be an empty string. Only one file will be unzipped, the destination filename $dest is used for it. If it succeeds, statement1 is executed, otherwise the optional statement2 is executed.

xelagot 3.607 or newer
The filename convention is explained in the section Filenames. If the destination path and folder does not exist, it will be created to accommodate the file.

xelagot 3.4 to 3.606
Upgrade to 3.607 or newest :)
IfAWZip $source $zip $pass statement1
Else statement2

IfAWZipMedium $source $zip $pass statement1
Else statement2

IfAWZipLow $source $zip $pass statement1
Else statement2

IfAWZipNoComp $source $zip $pass statement1
Else statement2

xelagot 3.607
Attempts to zip file $source into $zip the AW-way. All three variables must be included, password $pass can be an empty string. Only one file will be zipped, and if file $zip already existed, it will be replaced. If it succeeds, statement1 is executed, otherwise the optional statement2 is executed.

IfAWZip does maximum compression (slowest), IfAWZipMedium does normal compression, IfAWZipLow does lowest compression (fastest), IfAWZipNoComp does not compress the file.

The filename convention is explained in the section Filenames. If the destination path and folder does not exist, it will be created to accommodate the file.

Warning: do not use these statements with earlier versions of xelagot.
