
Xelagot topics

The Avatar and Gesture list

Caretaker bots know the url of the object path, owners of other bots can usually find out this url by peeping into the AW browsers cache\art folder, itentifying the correct folder there and copying its name, substituting all minus signs '-' with a forward slash '/'... So why not have the bot download the avatars.dat file and show the avatar and gesture list? Well, the bot has to be able to unzip this file, and this is now possible, using a utility made by Andras: zipdll.dll, if the bot version is 3.606 or older, xelagot 3.607 or higher does not require this utility.

First, if your bot is 3.606 or lower, download Andras' from, unzip zipdll.dll and put it in the bot's Plugins folder.

If your bot is caretaker of a world, the next time you start the bot application and enter the world, you will have access to the avatar and gesture menu.

If your bot is not caretaker, but you know the url of the object path, start the bot application, enter the world, open the World Attributes window (menu World) tab General, click on the label Object Path next to the empty object path field: this opens a dialog where you can type the object path. NOTE: do not add 'http://' and do not end the path with a forward slash '/'. This will give you access to the avatar and gesture menu.

The avatar and gesture menu can be accessed from a few places:

The avatar and gesture list has two sections. The top one shows the avatars (the one used by the bot or target is checked), the bottom section shows the gestures corresponding to this avatar (gesture 0 means no explicit gesture).

To change the avatar used by the bot, just select it and double-click on it or press ENTER.

To change the gesture of the bot for the avatar it is using, make sure that the checked avatar is selected, then select the gesture and double-click on it or press ENTER. You can not set a gesture corresponding to an avatar the bot is not wearing.

To exit without changing anything, press ESC or close the window.

In a 3.4 world, if your bot is caretaker and the 'target' is a 3.4 enabled bot or is a user with a 3.4 browser, your 3.4 xelagot can change the avatar and gesture of its target. In the presence list, right-click on the person or bot targeted, bring up the side menu at the target's name, select change avatar and gesture. On the selector, click on the avatar menu icon and depending on what you wish to do, proceed as follows:

When the menu vanishes, click on the Send button.

A few more advantages of having the avatar list available:
