
Xelagot verbal commands

Action Script commands

Action scripts can be loaded and run through the user interface, see Xelagot action script: Introduction and Examples, but also with verbal commands.

There is a set of commands to record positions for an itinerary or patrol. Before you use these commands, you must make a new script. Go to the menu Uni | Dialog, Scripts, and in the Action Script panel click new. This makes a new script. You can now start recording using the verbal commands listed below. When you finish recording and testing, save your script by clicking on save and giving your new script a name. You can edit this new script using Notepad or any ascii text processor. You will need to add the End statement yourself to the script, or you can copy+paste the To statements into another script. Refer to the Action Script section for details of how to make a script, and the section on Recording positions for more details.

The following verbal commands apply:

The current position is the position in the script which is held as 'current', not necessarily the bot's present position!

There are commands to make a certain position 'current', and to move the bot:

A trick I use a lot, is to make the bot join me at 0 distance (you can change the distance with the GUI or with verbal commands: stay at 0 makes it merge with you, stay at x puts it at x metres away, see here). Then, when I move, the bot joins me merging with me as it were... and I give it the command to record: /addpos.
